

厦门馨乐园携手海峡国际同庆六一 —“我们身边的鸟儿”
KinderlandXiamen collaborated with Straits Island International Community on  Children’s Day with activities around thetheme “ The Birds Around Us”
Onthe 1st of June 2017, the children participated in the StraitsIsland International Community Children’s day activity. The theme was about thebirds around us, with the aim to educate the children on how they can love andcare for the environment, life and all the little birdies. Veteran birdwatchers were present to share their experiences and introduce a variety ofbirds, their characteristics and differences to the children from PN and N. TheK1 children attended a sharing session by a bird enthusiast photographer, ChenYue on how to capture the wonderful pictures of birds. Meanwhile, the childrenfrom K2 learn how to distinguish different types of birds. Through theseactivities, the children from Kinderland learn how to appreciate the birds andunderstand that caring for the birds and the environment begins with us.
An experiencedbird watcher shared about the different types of birds and their characteristicwith our PN & N

中班主题: 初识飞羽;主讲:陈越   厦门爱鸟摄影家
Birdenthusiast photographer, Chen Yue taught the K1 children on how to capture thewonderful pictures of birds.

大班主题: 呵护海峡的鸟儿
K2 topic: Caring for the birds

Our outdoor activities

Group Photo of our children at the XiamenStraits Island International Community on Children’s Day with activities aroundthe theme “ The Birds Around Us”

Children’s Day gift pack for our little ones.Happy Children’s Day!