

Happy summer camp is here again! We had aninteresting drawing game with Teacher Star.

看我们穿着多彩的泳衣戏水,最喜欢在蓝蓝的泳池里自由自在的玩水啦!Look! We’re putting on colorful swimming suits and playing waterhappily here.

Tania老师和我们能一起画彩色的气球,你能看出我最喜欢的气球是什么颜色的吗?We drew colorful balloons with Tania. Can you guess which is my favoriteone?

Julia老师给我们讲了好玩的故事,又带我们学了美妙的歌曲,上她的课真开心!Julia reads a funny story for us, and we learnt a beautiful songfrom her. How happy we are!

我要画出另一个多彩的世界! Another colorful world, I want to create!